Central Election Commission held a seminar on information security

....A seminar on “Information security in state bodies of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic” was held on May 11 in the assembly hall of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for the employees of the Central Election Commission and Constituency Election Commissions in the Autonomous Republic.

....Opening the seminar, the chairman of the Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Ajdar Aliyev stated that the “Model Instruction on ensuring information security in government agencies of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic” approved by the Resolution No. 93 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated April 6, 2022 provides for information security in government agencies, as well as preventive measures against potential threats reflected. In addition, the instructions define the rules for organizing and ensuring information security in government agencies, as well as mandatory requirements for structural units and employees in the field of information security. Furthermore, based on the ....Decision No. 93 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated April 6, 2022, the Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic developed and approved the Instruction “On ensuring information security in the Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic”.

....Informing the participants of the event, the CEC chairman noted that  the use of communication means, information carriers, computer, intranet and internet for non-necessary purposes, transfer of personal data to the attached computer, connection of  personal communication lines to other devices without permission, as well as illegal and malicious software, unauthorized VPN services use is considered unacceptable.

....Then, the employees of the Central Election Commission Elnur Aliyev and Ramil Sadigov gave detailed information about the Model Instruction through a slide. It was noted that any employee who violates the requirements for information security provided for in the Model Instruction is liable in accordance with the law.

....At the end of the seminar, the questions of the participants were answered.

Presentation ceremony of the new website of Central Election Commission was held

....The presentation ceremony of the new website of Central Election Commission (CEC) of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was held on March 3 in the CEC assembly hall. Speaking about the varied dynamic development in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic,  the CEC chairman of Ajdar Aliyev said that the renovation of infrastructure, implementation of systematic measures to create modern enterprises and new jobs have made a significant contribution to the implementation of the concept of long-term and comprehensive development. As a result of purposeful reforms aimed at the formation of a diversified economy and the implementation of important state programs, the autonomous republic maintains its leadership in our country in terms of socio-economic development.
....Informing the participants of the event on the Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic "On the organization of e-services of government agencies in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic", dated July 15, 2011 the CEC chairman stressed that all these developments are reflected in information and communication technologies. Achievements in the field of IKT have created conditions for improving the quality of e-services provided to the population by government agencies in the autonomous republic.
....The new website, which will operate under the domain name, developed by the Ministry of Communications and New Technologies of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, is distinguished by its functionality, fast links, integration into social networks, and more convenient use. In addition, links are provided for more detailed information, providing the necessary information in the relevant sections. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of modern times, links have been made to social networks.
....In the "Useful links" section, there is a link to the website of the "Elections" Information Center. This page contains all information on polling stations, their addresses, constituencies and voter lists. To facilitate the work of voters, even vehicles and routes to the polling stations are shown. Through this site, voters of the autonomous republic can easily find their names, polling stations and addresses without going to the polling stations during the elections.
....After introducing the participants to the website, Ali Gadimov, head of Central Election Commission, spoke in detail about the new website of CEC, which is provided with the necessary sections for the preparation of the elections and the current CEC activities. He also emphasized that the home page of the CEC website contains key news related to the CEC activities, as well as short links for the effective use of the site users, as well as useful links for the promotion of the country and our autonomous republic.
....Taking into account that people receive basic information from social networks in modern times, the CEC Instagram and Facebook pages have also been launched, on which the latest news related to the activities of the CEC is operatively posted. The links to the mentioned social networks are given in the upper right corner of the CEC’s website. 
....The main menu consists of "CEC", "Press Service", "Elections", "Legal Acts" and "Contact". The “CEC” section shows the activities and powers of the Central Election Commission, the structure of the CEC Office and the responsibilities of the structural units, as well as detailed information on the CEC history. This section also contains the current members of the CEC and decisions on their election. The "Press Service" section includes regularly updated news, photo and video galleries, as well as reports. The election section contains detailed information on the next, extraordinary and additional elections to the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in 2005-2020. The “Legal Acts” section contains the relevant legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, as well as normative acts of Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. 
....So, the Constitutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic “On Elections to the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic”, as well as regulations, regulations, instructions, explanations, rules have also been placed in this section.  The "Contact" section consists of electronic applications and means of communication. This section was developed in order to ensure operative appeals of citizens to the CEC. Thus, it is possible to write an appeal directly to Central Election Commission from the electronic appeals section of the CEC website or to contact the Central Election Commission directly using the means of communication.
....In addition, the website of Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is provided with domain-related email addresses. Necessary technical measures were taken by specialists to optimize the site (SEO-Search Engine Optimization), adapt it to search engines, provide SSL (security) certificate, register in Google search engine and find it in the forefront of search engines, as well as specialists of the Ministry of Communications and New Technologies of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic conducted relevant training for the relevant employee of the Commission on the use of the control panel. The new website, which meets the necessary requirements in terms of design, structure and content, will ensure a more complete and prompt dissemination of various aspects of the Commission's activities, innovations in this area, and the measures taken. The site is available in two languages: Azerbaijani and English.
....The presentation was attended by CEC staff, media representatives, chairmen and secretaries of Constituency Election Commissions in the autonomous republic.

Central Election Commission staff visited the tomb of Yusif Kuseyir oglu

     In accordance with the Order of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous on December 19, 2014 "On further strengthening relations with museums", employees of Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic regularly visit museums in the autonomous republic, get acquainted with exhibits preserved in cultural institutions.

     Continuing their excursions to various museums, CEC employees visited the tomb of Yusif Kuseyir oglu in Nakhchivan on 19 February. The museum guide said that the tomb of Yusif Kuseyir oglu was built in 1162 by the founder of the Nakhchivan School of Architecture Ajami Abubakr oglu Nakhchivani in the south-eastern part of Nakhchivan. Popularly known as the Atababa Dome, the monument consists of an underground and an above-ground tomb. The octagonal tomb, built inside and outside, is covered with a pyramid-shaped dome.

     The tomb of Yusif Kuseyir oglu is the only monument among the towering tombs of Azerbaijan that the upper pyramid cover has survived to the present day in a completely safe condition. In recent years, comprehensive measures have been taken to protect, study, restore and promote historical monuments in the autonomous republic. According to the order of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov, the tomb of Yusif Kuseyir oglu in Nakhchivan was restored in 2020. It was stated that all eight surfaces of the tomb were decorated with geometric ornaments of different shapes. These ornaments were made of small bricks, then fixed in the form of pans with mortar and reinforced on the surfaces. In terms of structure, only one surface of the tomb, facing west, was solved in a different way. The entrance door of the tomb is located here. This part, which was given in the form of borders on this door with the shape of a roof, took the form of a portal through the protrusions. An inscription indicating that the tomb was built in 557 AH, that is, 1162 AD, for the head of the tomb, Khoja Yusif Kuseyir oglu, was placed at the top of this surface. At the same time, the upper part of the tomb was separated from the surface in the form of a belt, and here also an inscription was placed. The name of the architect was written on the left side of the entrance door of this inscription in Kufic script: "Architect from Nakhchivan Ajami Abubakr oglu".

     Although the tomb of Yusif Kuseyir oglu is not a large building in terms of size, and the architectural decoration is simple, it is a beautiful architectural monument in terms of clarity of its overall composition, proportion of parts, as well as careful construction. It was noted that glazed bricks were not used in the decoration of the tomb of Yusif Kuseyir oglu. The inscriptions on this monument were obtained as a result of the laying of bricks of different sizes.

     Against the background of the inscriptions on the friezes and borders, the areas between the vertical letters "lam", "alif", "kaf" are enriched with geometric patterns, and several verses from the "Holy Kuran" are reflected here. All sides of the octagonal tomb were bordered by Kufic inscriptions. The text of the inscriptions is verses of the Kuran. Despite the fact that the monument is eight hundred years old, thanks to the attention paid to it, it still attracts the attention of tourists and visitors with its grandeur in the center of Nakhchivan.

Gifts to our soldiers serving in Kangarli region

....On December 30, with the joint participation of Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the Office of the Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the Nakhchivan branch of "Agrarkredit" Joint-Stock Credit Organization and the District Center for Social Protection of Kangarli region, on the occasion of   World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day - 31 December, a meeting was held with the officers and soldiers performing their sacred service duty to the homeland of the military unit "N", which was located in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and they were provided with food and daily necessities.

....Sincere congratulating the staff of the military unit on the occasion of the victory in the Great Patriotic War and the upcoming December 31 - the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis, the chairman of the Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Ajdar Aliyev spoke about the state care provided to the army, saying that the source of confidence of each state is, first of all, its strong and powerful army.

....That is why the Azerbaijani army, the strongest in the South Caucasus, is surrounded by comprehensive care. The foundation of this care was laid by our national leader Heydar Aliyev. As a result of the successful continuation of the national leader's army-building policy, our army is strengthening day by day and increasing its military strength. This can be clearly seen in the example of military units in the territory of our autonomous republic. This can be clearly seen in the example of military units in the territory of our autonomous republic. Frequent visits of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic to military units, meetings with officers and soldiers inspire them and increase the fighting spirit of the military.

....Hafiz Ismayilbeyli, head of the Office of the Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, and Elchin Aliyev, head of the Nakhchivan Branch of the Agrarkredit Joint-Stock Credit Organization, addressed the event and congratulated the servicemen on the upcoming December 31 - World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day. It was also noted in the speeches that today our army is fully equipped with powerful, necessary modern weapons and equipment, and the Day of Solidarity is one of the foundations of the people's military unity.

....Then food and daily necessities were presented to the servicemen. The soldiers also expressed gratitude on behalf of the personnel of the military unit for the attention and care.


Voluntary blood donation campaign held in Nakhchivan

....On December 29, the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the Ministry of  Health of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic jointly organized a voluntary blood donation campaign on the occasion of “December 31 - Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis”. The purpose of the campaign is to help people suffering from inherited blood diseases, especially thalassemia, and to enrich the reserve blood bank during a coronavirus pandemic. Employees of CEC and Constituency Election Commissions operating in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic took part in the action.

....In this action, which took place at the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Hospital, blood tests were first taken from donors to detect coronavirus, blood pressure, hepatitis, AIDS and other infectious diseases.

....Ismayilov Turkan, deputy chief physician of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Hospital, said that  blood or blood products are widely used in blood loss during  various traumas and injuries, complicated surgeries and births, chronic anemia, inherited and acquired diseases of the blood, oncological diseases, various diseases of the internal organs - heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, liver and others.

....Ali Gadimov, the CEC head of department, a voluntary donor who took part in the blood donation campaign, said that blood may be needed as a result of an illness or accident in life. In this case, helping to save someone's life is one of the most important and necessary actions.

....20 people took part in the action, 10 liters of blood were collected and handed over to the Blood Bank of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Hospital. Due to the current situation, the action was held in accordance with the rules of social isolation and the necessary security measures.

Employees of Central Election Commission visit the Heydar Aliyev Museum

....The staff of Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic visited the Heydar Aliyev Museum on November 27, 2021. It was reported that the museum was established on the basis of the Order signed by the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on February 18, 1999 and began its activity on May 10, 1999. The Heydar Aliyev Museum, which started operating with 420 exhibits, currently has 4,746 exhibits.  The museum has stands dedicated to the childhood and youth of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, personal documents and materials related to the period when he was the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (1991-1993), copies of signed orders, decisions and other documents, including appeals of citizens living in different regions of Azerbaijan in those years. Magazines, albums and books reflecting the life and activity of the national leader Heydar Aliyev are kept in the library of the museum.