Administration of Central Election Commission

   The Administration takes activities in the following fields within its competence to ensure the activity of Central Election Commission (CEC) activity and its members as defined by legislation:

- implements the establishment of the election constituencies and precincts, arrangement of works on the voters’ lists and other organizational activities;

- takes part in the preparation of normative acts and other document drafts and organizes their legal examination;

- organizes the work with documents and staff, implements the clerical activity;

- implements monitoring of general activity of lower election commissions;

- implements relationship with mass media and community, as well as, ensures analytic-informational support in this field;

- renders practical assistance to ensure the implementation of publication and printing works;

- ensures the publication of normative acts and other materials, as well as, timely delivery of the documents to be included in State Register of Legal acts to the relevant state bodies and implementation of decisions;

- implements financial, technical and logistics support of the activity of election commissions;

- organizes the works for ensuring the activity of the bodies under CEC (control-inspection service, Press group, Expert group considering the appeals and complaints) in a manner defined by election legislation;

- arranges reception of citizens;

- implements the orders of CEC Chairman and ensures mutual activity with other bodies upon Chairman’s instructions.

Structural units of the Administration

- The Adminstration, headed directly by Chairman of the Commission, consists of the organizational department, the Assistant to the Chairman, the Chief Adviser on Press and Public Relations and the service staff.

- In accordance with the legislation, working groups may be established by order of Chairman of the Commission.

Organization department

- Implements organizational support of the CEC activity;

- Summarizes the information on the number of voters and population on the administrative-territorial regions of the autonomous republic which has been submitted by relevant executive authorities and prepares it for usage with the aim of preparation and conduct of elections;

- Participates in the compile of organizational documents, materials and recommendations, CEC reports and other documents for methodical assistance to Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions (Con.ECs and PECs);

- Implements the collection and summarize of the information on the establishment of the Con.ECs and PECs, organization of the works on voters’ lists, nomination and registration of candidates;

- Prepares analytical and operative information, opinions, references and letters of response upon ensuring the implementation of the inquiries, appeals and complaints sent by the Commission Chairman;

- Prepares the schedules of seminars, conferences and other events related with the organizational support of the CEC activity and submits them to the Commission administration;

- Renders methodical assistance to lower election commissions;

- Implements other duties within its competence.

Law Department

- Implements law-based support of the CEC activity;

- Participates in the preparation of normative acts, other document drafts and reports of CEC;

- Organizes legal examination of normative acts, checks the legitimacy of the documents prepared by other structural units of the Secretariat and approves them officially, also provides advises on legal justification of practical activities, decision drafts and other documents;

- Participates in the preparation of order drafts of the Commission Chairman and approves their legitimacy officially;

- Participates in the preparation and conduct of professional courses on election right for lower election commissions, as well as, voters’ educational programs;

- Implements works with Con.ECs and PECs and controls abidance of legal requirements by them, organizes seminars in this field periodically and provides law-based advises;

- Participates as an authorized representative of CEC in courts and protects its interests in a manner defined by legislation;

- Organizes trainings within the relevant programs determined by CEC on the instruction and vocational training of members of lower election commissions.

General department

- Ensures clerical activities and working with the documents and dossiers of the CEC personnel;

- Participates in the compile of CEC reports, as well as, documents and materials;

- Ensures informing CEC members and the invited persons on the sessions, also records the attendance of the members;

- Ensures the compile of CEC session minutes, if necessary, takes video and audio records of the sessions, as well as, preserves relevant documents;

- Registers normative acts, orders and decrees by the Commission Chairman, as well as, inquiries, appeals, applications and complaints submitted to the Administration and establishes turnover of the submitted and delivered documents;

- Ensures obtaining information on the implementation of CEC decisions and orders from the election commissions, state bodies, offices and organizations;

- By implementing inquiries, appeals, applications and complaints sent by the Commission Chairman to the department, prepares analytical and operative information, opinions, references and letters of response on them;

- Controls the abidance of clerical rules by the structural units of the Adminstration and makes them familiar with relevant documents and materials to fulfill their duties;

- Informs the Commission administration on the number, characteristics of written and verbal appeals of citizens, as well as, the results of the investigation;

- Takes necessary activities for familiarizing the chairpersons of lower election commissions with the rules for the record, delivery and preservation of documents and therewith, ensures organization of periodical seminars for them;

- Arranges preservation, filing and cancel of documents and materials of the election commissions in a manner defined by legislation;

- Compiles the orders and decrees of the Commission Chairman and submits them for signature;

- Officially registers and records official trips of CEC members and Adminstration officials;
- Records military registration of the personnel;

- Controls the implementation of clerical works in the activity of Con.ECs;

- Records of personal files of members of Central Election Commission, employees of the Administration, as well as members of Con.ECs and PECs.

Media and Public relations department

- Implements the coordination of the CEC activity with mass media and community, as well as, ensures analytic-informational support in this field;

- Ensures the accreditation of domestic media representatives by CEC and invites them to the Commission sessions upon the agreement with the Commission Chairman;

- Arranges dissemination of the information on general activity of CEC, preparation and conduct of elections through media and telegraphic agencies, as well as, by broadcasting via the TV channels;

- Reviews the materials on elections, as well as, pre-election campaign (press conferences, round tables, interviews, as well as, speeches of candidates for the elected bodies, campaign materials of political parties, the opinion polls conducted);

- Focuses on the legitimate use of mass media by the persons entitled to hold pre-election campaign;

- Implements other duties within its competence.

Finance department

- Implements financial support for the activity of the election commissions;

- Compiles staff tables and drafts of costs list of the election commissions and submits them for approval on destination in comply with the legislation;

- Compiles the draft of costs list for the preparation and conduct of elections and makes it ready for the approval;

- Ensures the distribution of the funding allocated for the preparation and conduct of elections by state budget among the election commissions, transferring it to relevant bank accounts and therewith, ensures the implementation of the costs list upon abiding by the financial order;

- After the elections , provides receiving and checking the accuracy of the relevant reports on the allocated funding which has been spent and controls returning of the unspent funding to the budget in a manner and within the period defined by law;

- Implements documentation on accounting transactions and ensures control on taking financial and logistics activities;

- Participates in the compile of CEC reports and other documents;

- Ensures timely registration of goods, materials and other valuable aids, also excludes main goods and materials which are morally and physically spoilt or destructible from the register;

- Ensures the effective compile and submission of monthly, quarterly and annual reports on the financial activity to the relevant state bodies;

- Implements activities with Con.ECs and PECs upon abiding by the financial order and ensures the organization of periodical seminars for them;

Logistics department

- Registers the property and equipment of the Administration, organizes accounting of goods, implements financial, technical and logistics support of the election commissions together with Finance department, in a manner defined by legislation;

- Provides technical and logistics support for the preparation and conduct of the CEC sessions and other activities;

- Ensures preserving and also keeping technical equipments, communicational and transportation means and other goods ready for use;

- Provides lower election commissions with the election documents and methodical means prepared by CEC, as well as, the equipment and relevant materials useful for the E-Day regarding the preparation and conduct of elections;

- Ensures abidance by the rules for occupational safety, technical security and fire protection of the Administration;

- Implements works on the efficient usage of the administrative building and equipments;