A seminar was held at the Central Election Commission

On June 22, in the assembly hall of the Central Election Commission of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, a seminar was held for the employees of the Central Election Commission and constituency election commissions operating in the autonomous republic on "Internet usage and security rules" and "Recommendations on the organization of clerical work in the activity of election commissions".

Elshan Heydarli, assistant to the chairman of the Central Election Commission, who spoke about the most common threats when using the Internet: phishing attack, brute-forcing attack, malware injection and social engineering gave detailed information about the attack.

Ramil Sadigov, the chief adviser of the Central Election Commission, talked about the most widespread computer virus programs in the world and brought to the attention of the participants of the seminar the risks and dangers caused by the use of VPN services.

Then, the chief adviser of the Central Election Commission Sahil Mammadov spoke about the preparation and drafting of decisions, preparation and drafting of orders, preparation and drafting of protocols, preparation and drafting of acts and other requirements for the organization of clerical work.

At the end, discussions were held on the topics, and the questions that interested the participants were clarified.

A chess competition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev was held

On April 28, organized by the Central Election Commission of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, a chess competition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev was held at the Nakhchivan Chess Center between the employees of the Central Election Commission and the constituency election commissions operating in the autonomous republic.
At the opening ceremony, the dear memory of the Great Leader, as well as the souls of the martyrs who died for the independence and freedom of Azerbaijan, were commemorated with a minute of silence. Employees of the Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and regional election commissions operating in the autonomous republic took part in the competition.

Later, in the assembly hall of the Central Election Commission, the chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Ajdar Aliyev, who spoke at the ceremony of awarding the winners, greeted the participants of the competition and said that the competition was dedicated to the dear memory of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, who had exceptional services in reaching the current level of chess in Azerbaijan. During the many years he led Azerbaijan, the National Leader always paid great attention to the development of sports, and it was on his initiative that many children and youth chess schools were opened in the cities and regions of our republic, and a strong chess school was established in our country. This process continues even now, and the development of chess is always in the center of attention of the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev. The care provided by the state creates a foundation for Azerbaijani chess players to win new victories in international competitions. During the past decades, our athletes who participated in the European and world championships and a number of other prestigious tournaments have achieved great success.

At the awarding ceremony of the race, the winner of the 1st place, Mammadov Babek, the winner of the 2nd place, Askerov Niyaz, and the winner of the 3rd place, Gadimov Ali, were awarded with honorary certificates and gifts. The awards were presented by the Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Ajdar Aliyev.

At the end, a commemorative photo was taken.


A seminar dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev was held at the Central Election Commission

On April 19, a seminar on "Heydar Aliyev's legacy in the formation of the democratic election tradition in our country" was held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, organized by the Central Election Commission of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. .....At first, the participants of the event paid tribute to the memory of the great personality by placing a bouquet of flowers in front of the monument of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, which stands majestically in Nakhchivan. Then the Heydar Aliyev Museum was visited. .....During the introduction to the museum, the participants were informed that the Heydar Aliyev Museum, located in the center of Nakhchivan city, started operating on May 10, 1999. This museum is the first museum created in the Republic of Azerbaijan in honor of our National Leader. More than 5,000 exhibits reflecting the life and activities of National Leader Heydar Aliyev are exhibited in the museum fund. .....At the event held in the assembly hall of the Central Election Commission, the dear memory of the Great Leader, as well as the souls of the martyrs who died for the independence and freedom of Azerbaijan, were commemorated with a minute of silence.

The chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Ajdar Aliyev, who opened the seminar with his opening speech, in connection with the declaration of 2023 as the "Year of Heydar Aliyev" according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, dated September 29, 2022, the district election located in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic giving information about the various events held in the commissions, he said that a very important stage in the history of Azerbaijan's statehood is connected with the name of the world-famous politician and great statesman Heydar Aliyev. The Great Leader dedicated his meaningful and rich life to his nation, people, homeland and state as a whole, and performed exceptional activities for holy deeds. Thanks to the hard work and determined policy of the Great Leader, a new, modern state of Azerbaijan was established, and our country took its rightful place in the world. The period when this genius led Azerbaijan is one of the most glorious pages of our centuries-old statehood history.

It was pointed out that the strengthening of statehood and the establishment of democratic principles in Azerbaijan, the successful and rapid implementation of the democratic, legal, and secular state-building process are directly related to the name of National Leader Heydar Aliyev. As a result of the wise state policy implemented under the leadership of the Great Leader, fundamental legal reforms were carried out in accordance with the traditions of national statehood and international standards, with great work being done in the path of democratic, legal and secular state building in Azerbaijan. The adoption of the first Constitution of independent Azerbaijan, the architect of which was Heydar Aliyev, the formation of the practice of democratic presidential, parliamentary and municipal elections based on the principle of multipartyism, political pluralism, freedom of speech and press, and the creation of favorable conditions for the activity of political parties and public organizations with legislative guarantees are the steps taken on the path of democratic state building. important steps resulted in the formation of civil society.

Speaking about the exceptional role of the Great Leader in the formation of the democratic election environment in Azerbaijan, Khalil Aliyev, the chief adviser of the Central Election Commission, noted that despite the adoption of the Constitutional Act in 1991, the holding of democratic elections in Azerbaijan became possible after the return of Heydar Aliyev to power in 1993. Thanks to the Great Leader, the formation of a democratic election environment became one of the main directions of legal state building in Azerbaijan. The election of Heydar Aliyev as the president in October 1993 was an expression of the people's endless love for their leader, and laid the foundation for the development of democracy in the country, the construction of civil society, including the improvement of the electoral system year by year.

Chairman of District Election Commission No. 4 Chingiz Hasanli said in his speech that one of the most important issues at the center of the purposeful policy conducted by national leader Heydar Aliyev in our country was ensuring that the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan live in a country where social and political stability is preserved. As a result of the decisive steps taken by the great leader and the urgent measures taken, important successes were achieved and the people were ensured to live safely in a republic where political and social order is protected. This, in turn, was the basic principle of holding democratic, free and transparent elections in our country.

Later, a video was shown about the honorable life path and wise political activity of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.


Central Election Commission conducted a session on April 12, 2023

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted a session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on April 12, 2023. Firstly, the session minute of the Commission dated February 6, 2023 was approved.
Later, the issue on the changes in the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions was considered. After the discussions, The changes were made in the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions - Binagadi second Con.EC # 9, Khazar-Pirallahi Con.EC #13 , Neftchala Con.EC # 61, Saatli-Sabirabad-Kurdamir Con.EC # 65 andJalilabad-Masalli-Bilasuvar Con.EC # 69.
Current issues were also discussed at the meeting attended by representatives of foreign organizations and media outlets.

The electronic information resource of the Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic transferred to the "GOV.AZ" domain zone.

....The State Service of Special Communication and Information Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan is taking appropriate measures regarding the registration and strengthening of the security of the websites of state institutions in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in the "GOV.AZ" zone.
....The electronic information resource of Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has been transferred to the "GOV.AZ" domain zone.
....From today, the portal of Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic will operate under the new domain name "".

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan conducted a session on February 6, 2023

....The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted a session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on February 6, 2023.
....Firstly, the session minute of the Commission, dated 16 August 2022 was approved. Later, the issue on the legal documents of CEC was considered. By the Commission decision, some legal documents had been conformed with the amendments made recently to the legislation. Therewith, the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) were made changes.
....It was informed at the Commissions session that pursuant to the Election Code, a process of compilation and update of single voters’ list had been started in Azerbaijan since the beginnings of January 2023. The large-scale process implemented in close cooperation with relevant local executive authorities and municipalities involved more than thirty seven thousand commissioners of all lower election commissions existing in the country.
....As determined by the election legislation, the compilation of voters’ list was conducted by Precinct Election Commissions (PECs) in the first stage and the process was carried out within the borders of election precincts within the timeframe defined in law. PECs have presented the voters’ lists compiled on polling stations to relevant Con.EC no later than February 5, 2023.
....In the next stage Con.ECs submit the voters’ lists to CEC up to April 5 following the update and analyzing compared to the information and statistic data received from the relevant bodies after checking the preliminary voters’ lists on election constituencies. And CEC collects the database entered by voters and verifies the voters’ list within the timeframe and manner defined in the legislation upon examination of the repetitions and inaccurateness might be encountered in the lists via specific software for quality and statistic analyze of voters’ entries.
....Pursuant to the Election Code, the foregoing process is considered to be finalized till the end of May in current year.
....The representatives of foreign organizations and media outlets also participated at the CEC session.

Central Election Commission staff visited the Nakhchivan State History Museum

....In accordance with the Order of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous on December 19, 2014 "On further strengthening relations with museums", the staff of Central Election Commission visited the Nakhchivan State History Museum on November 26.
....The guide gave information about the museum and said that the museum was established in 1924, the museum was granted state status in 1968. The successful activity of the Nakhchivan State History Museum dates back to 1969, after the rise to power of the outstanding statesman Haydar Aliyev.

....It was noted that more than 48,000 exhibits related to the rich, ancient history of Nakhchivan are preserved in the Nakhchivan State History Museum. The exposition mainly covers 4 - ancient, medieval, modern and new era. The museum consists of 10 departments. There are various types of tools, objects of the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, grains, obsidian tablets, stone hammers, bone beads, copper and silver coins found in the territory of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the magnificent Momuna Khatun built by Ajami Abubakr oglu Nakhchivani, one of the famous architects of the Middle Ages, Pictorial materials on Yusif Küseyir oglu tombs and other architectural monuments, examples of decorative applied art of carpet weaving, jewelry, coppersmithing, pottery and carving, and beautiful handicrafts of folk craftsmen are exhibited.

....One of the exhibition halls is enriched with exhibits reflecting the life and activities of national leader Heydar Aliyev.  One of the exhibition halls is enriched with exhibits reflecting the life and activities of national leader Haydar Aliyev. Monuments of the Stone and Bronze Age discovered in the territory of Nakhchivan, the culture of painted vessels, which are part of the unique culture of Nakhchivan, clay pieces belonging to the Kura-Araz culture, and monochrome and polychrome painted jugs are displayed in the exhibition. Architectural examples of architect Acemi Abubekroglu's work, a model of the Karabakhlar tomb, as well as Zaviya madrasa, Gazanchi, Aza bridges, the Khan Palace, an architectural complex of the 18th-19th centuries, the Imamzade complex of the 16th-17th centuries, Juma Mosque, Nakhchivan ice house, Huseyn Javid's mausoleum. , photos and information about the Ismayilkhan bath are also reflected in the expansion. Through the exhibits displayed in the museum, it is possible to get extensive information about the mighty Atabay state, as well as the Garagoyunlu and Aggoyunlu states and the Nakhchivan Khanate, which made important contributions to the statehood of Azerbaijan in the 18th century.

The staff of Central Election Commission got acquainted with the exhibition and sale of paintings and handicrafts of people with limited physical abilities and talented women

....In Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the provision of employment of talented women and persons with physical disabilities is paid much attention. The organization of exhibitions and sales of handiwork of people with limited physical resources and talented women serves not only to provide them with social security, but also to preserve our values.
....An  exhibition and sale of paintings and handicrafts of people with limited physical abilities and talented women was opened in Haydar Aliyev Palace in Nakhchivan city on October 4. The staff of Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic got acquainted with the exhibition and bought various handicrafts as gifts. 
....It was reported that 10,668 creative examples of paintings and handicrafts made by 442 people in various genres were put up for sale. To date, about a thousand handicrafts have been sold.
....Among the exhibited handicrafts are handicrafts made from the underground and surface resources of the autonomous republic, ornaments made from various local and natural stones, weaving, embroidery, decorative work, graphic work, stained glass, marbling art, with beads, plaster, stone powder, copper, handicrafts made of salt, carving on wood, burning on wood, carpets, decorative and embroidered paintings, as well as watercolor and oil paintings glorifying the autonomous republic, handicrafts reflecting spiritual and family values attracted the special attention of the staff.

Central Election Commission staff visited the Huseyn Javid's House Museum and Memorial Complex

   In accordance with the Decree of the Chairman of the  Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated December 19, 2014 "On further strengthening of relations with museums", the collective visit of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic to museums continues.

   On August 27, employees of the Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic visited Huseyn Javid's House-Museum and Memorial Complex.

   The museum guide gave information and said that the home museum of the famous philosopher-poet and dramatist of Azerbaijan Huseyn Javid was established on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth based on the decision signed by national leader Heydar Aliyev on July 21, 1981. More than 9,000 exhibits are kept in the fund of the museum, and about 500 of these exhibits are currently on display. In the museum, there are photographs depicting the writer's life and activities, first editions of his works, works with the poet's autograph on them, posters and programs of staged drama works, various memorabilia and household items, works of the poet's son Ertogrul Javid and his daughter Turan Khanum, published in different periods about Huseyn Javid. the books create a full impression of the life and work of the outstanding writer.

   In the room called "mourning room", photos depicting the search for Huseyn Javid's grave in Siberia are displayed, and in a niche on the wall, soil taken from the poet's grave in Siberia is displayed. It was reported that the family photo taken in 1936 exhibited at the exit of the room is the last memorial photo of the Javid family. During the visit to the museum, the CEC staff was told that the national leader Heydar Aliyev had an invaluable role and unparalleled services in perpetuating the memory of the great writer and preserving his rich heritage. Bringing the corpse of the poet, who was a victim of repression, from distant Siberia to his native land - Nakhchivan in November 1982 is another indicator and example of the great leader Heydar Aliyev's attention and zealotry towards Huseyn Javid's work, including Azerbaijani literature. In 1996, a magnificent mausoleum was erected over the grave of a prominent playwright in the city of Nakhchivan.

Central Election Commission staff visited the Bahruz Kangarli Museum

      In accordance with the Order of the Chairman of  Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated December 19, 2014 "On further strengthening relations with museums", employees of Central Election Commission of  Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic regularly visit museums in the autonomous republic, get acquainted with exhibits protected in cultural institutions. As a continuation of the events held within the “Museum Days”, the staff of Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic once again visited the Bahruz Kangarli Museum on May 21.

Informing the staff about the museum, the museum guide said that the Bahruz Kangarli Museum was established by the Order of the Chairman of Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated May 22, 2001. The National Leader Heydar Aliyev attended the opening ceremony of the museum on June 18, 2002 and praised Bahruz Kangarli's work, saying: “Bahruz Kangarli's works are one of the most outstanding examples of Azerbaijani art and culture. We should be proud of that. We should be proud that the people of Azerbaijan have had such great talent. "

It was noted that National Leader Heydar Aliyev studied at the Pedagogical College located here in 1938-1939, graduating with honors. To immortalize the memory of the great leader, a memorial plaque was erected on the building and a memorial room was created here.

It was also noted that the museum is located in a historic building. Built at the beginning of the last century, the building initially functioned as a Girls' School, and later as a Pedagogical College and Medical School. In total, the museum has about 1,300 exhibits.388 of them are exhibited in the museum's exposition. 181 exhibits are displayed in 4 exhibition halls located on the first floor of the building, and 206 exhibits are displayed in 5 exhibition halls located on the second floor. 61 of them are original paintings.

It should be noted that Bahruz Kangarli, who appealed to theatrical painting, graphics and other genres, created valuable works in the genre of portraits, worked tirelessly for the development of our culture throughout his life. The prominent artist glorified about the beauties of his homeland. About 500 of his works in various genres with charcoal, pencil, watercolor and oil paint are still among the valuable exhibits of art museums. He painted the portraits of prominent people of his time and created valuable works in the genre of portraiture.