On November 23, a seminar-training on "Guarantees and limitations of the right to vote" was held in the assembly hall of the Central Election Commission of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

Employees of the Central Election Commission participated in the seminar.

Ali Gadimov, head of the Central Election Commission, spoke on the topic "Limitations of the right to vote" and talked about the principles of participation in elections, the rights and duties of observers, the principles of observation and pre-election campaigning.

Then, at the event, the speech of Elnur Aliyev, chief adviser of the CEC, on the topic "Guarantees of the right to vote" was heard, the mechanism of using the right to vote and to be elected, the determination of the right to vote in legislative acts was given more detailed information based on practical knowledge.

At the end of the event, opinions were exchanged on the topic.