In accordance with the Decree of the Chairman of the  Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated December 19, 2014 "On further strengthening of relations with museums", the collective visit of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic to museums continues.

   On August 27, employees of the Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic visited Huseyn Javid's House-Museum and Memorial Complex.

   The museum guide gave information and said that the home museum of the famous philosopher-poet and dramatist of Azerbaijan Huseyn Javid was established on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth based on the decision signed by national leader Heydar Aliyev on July 21, 1981. More than 9,000 exhibits are kept in the fund of the museum, and about 500 of these exhibits are currently on display. In the museum, there are photographs depicting the writer's life and activities, first editions of his works, works with the poet's autograph on them, posters and programs of staged drama works, various memorabilia and household items, works of the poet's son Ertogrul Javid and his daughter Turan Khanum, published in different periods about Huseyn Javid. the books create a full impression of the life and work of the outstanding writer.

   In the room called "mourning room", photos depicting the search for Huseyn Javid's grave in Siberia are displayed, and in a niche on the wall, soil taken from the poet's grave in Siberia is displayed. It was reported that the family photo taken in 1936 exhibited at the exit of the room is the last memorial photo of the Javid family. During the visit to the museum, the CEC staff was told that the national leader Heydar Aliyev had an invaluable role and unparalleled services in perpetuating the memory of the great writer and preserving his rich heritage. Bringing the corpse of the poet, who was a victim of repression, from distant Siberia to his native land - Nakhchivan in November 1982 is another indicator and example of the great leader Heydar Aliyev's attention and zealotry towards Huseyn Javid's work, including Azerbaijani literature. In 1996, a magnificent mausoleum was erected over the grave of a prominent playwright in the city of Nakhchivan.