....A seminar on “Information security in state bodies of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic” was held on May 11 in the assembly hall of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for the employees of the Central Election Commission and Constituency Election Commissions in the Autonomous Republic.

....Opening the seminar, the chairman of the Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Ajdar Aliyev stated that the “Model Instruction on ensuring information security in government agencies of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic” approved by the Resolution No. 93 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated April 6, 2022 provides for information security in government agencies, as well as preventive measures against potential threats reflected. In addition, the instructions define the rules for organizing and ensuring information security in government agencies, as well as mandatory requirements for structural units and employees in the field of information security. Furthermore, based on the ....Decision No. 93 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated April 6, 2022, the Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic developed and approved the Instruction “On ensuring information security in the Central Election Commission of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic”.

....Informing the participants of the event, the CEC chairman noted that  the use of communication means, information carriers, computer, intranet and internet for non-necessary purposes, transfer of personal data to the attached computer, connection of  personal communication lines to other devices without permission, as well as illegal and malicious software, unauthorized VPN services use is considered unacceptable.

....Then, the employees of the Central Election Commission Elnur Aliyev and Ramil Sadigov gave detailed information about the Model Instruction through a slide. It was noted that any employee who violates the requirements for information security provided for in the Model Instruction is liable in accordance with the law.

....At the end of the seminar, the questions of the participants were answered.