On February 9, a seminar was held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in the assembly hall of the Central Election Commission of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Ajdar Aliyev spoke at the event attended by CEC employees and said that considering the establishment of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic as an important event in the political history of Azerbaijan, the head of the country, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, signed an order on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic at the state level. .

 After that, Ajdar Aliyev talked about the complex and honorable path full of difficult trials that Nakhchivan has gone through historically, the genocides carried out by Armenians against the population of Azerbaijan, including the people of Nakhchivan in 1918-1924, attempts to annex the land of Nakhchivan to Armenia, the history of the establishment of an autonomous republic in Nakhchivan, the ancient land of Azerbaijan. - gave detailed information to the participants of the event about the political foundations and importance of the Moscow and Kars agreements.

 The Chairman of the CEC noted that the Great Leader of the Azerbaijani People, Heydar Aliyev, lived and worked in Nakhchivan in 1990-1993, creating conditions for the existence and development of Nakhchivan today, and that a number of decisions taken at his initiative during his tenure in Nakhchivan played an invaluable role in the preservation and prosperity of Azerbaijan's independence. .

 Addressing the reasons for granting the autonomy status and its historical importance, the head of the CEC department, Ali Gadimov, said that Nakhchivan, which has centuries-old traditions of statehood, has always lived the rich cultural heritage of our people, and with its many outstanding scientists, artists, and historical figures, the socio-economic, played an invaluable role in social and political life. Nakhchivan is also a land that includes monuments reflecting the history of the Azerbaijani people. The people of Nakhchivan have exceptional services in the restoration, preservation and strengthening of our state independence by demonstrating their commitment to the ideas of national independence.

 On February 9, a seminar was held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in the assembly hall of the Central Election Commission of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Ajdar Aliyev spoke at the event attended by CEC employees and said that considering the establishment of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic as an important event in the political history of Azerbaijan, the head of the country, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, signed an order on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic at the state level. .

 After that, Ajdar Aliyev talked about the complex and honorable path full of difficult trials that Nakhchivan has gone through historically, the genocides carried out by Armenians against the population of Azerbaijan, including the people of Nakhchivan in 1918-1924, attempts to annex the land of Nakhchivan to Armenia, the history of the establishment of an autonomous republic in Nakhchivan, the ancient land of Azerbaijan. - gave detailed information to the participants of the event about the political foundations and importance of the Moscow and Kars agreements.

 The Chairman of the CEC noted that the Great Leader of the Azerbaijani People, Heydar Aliyev, lived and worked in Nakhchivan in 1990-1993. .

 Speaking about the reasons for granting the autonomy status and its historical importance, the head of the CEC department, Ali Gadimov, said that Nakhchivan, which has centuries-old traditions of statehood, has always lived the rich cultural heritage of our people, and with its many outstanding scientists, artists, and historical figures, the socio-economic, played an invaluable role in social and political life. Nakhchivan is also a land that includes monuments reflecting the history of the Azerbaijani people. The people of Nakhchivan have exceptional services in the restoration, preservation and strengthening of our state independence by demonstrating their commitment to the ideas of national independence.